

Year 2015

It's been awhile i did not update my blog. New year has begin. This year i must set target for myself to accomplish and i must make sure that i will accomplished all the targets. This year will be the final year for my study life. I must make sure that i will get good result for my study. I hope that my sickness will recover as soon as possible. Everyone stay healthy. Year 2015, please be good to me. Taiwan trip is just few months ahead, i'm very excited. Hope everything will go smooth and we will have a memorable trip. 


Celebrated in advance our 9th months anniversary

It's been a long time i never update my blog. Finally is my semester break,kinda boring. Nothing to do when i am home. Alright,back to topic.. Today my boy and i had celebrated our 9th months anniversary in advance.. We watched a movie which is "The Vow".. This movie not bad,i love the story line.. And i cried.. Why? because it's so touching >< .. This movie suitable for couples to watch.. This is my rating for this movie 5/5!! It's nice.. 
Appreciate your loves one <3
Before the movie started,we bought a cup of drink.. Nowadays,people usually buy CHATIME,but dear and i had changed to GONG CHA.. GONG CHA taste nicer then CHATIME (this is my personal opinion). I addicted to GONG CHA.. GONG CHA you have a loyalty customer!!
It's located at Garden,Mid Valley Megamall..
After movie,we grabbed some light meal.. 1901 HOTDOGS.. i love this very much!! The HOTDOG is juicy.. As usual i ordered,American chicken hotdog..
This is awesome!!
Dear suggested to buy a drink.. yea,is both of our all time favourite STARBUCKS.. JAVACHIP FRAPPUCINO.. cooling and chilling drink :)
Love this drink<3
Although is just a short period we have been together.. But i appreciated every single second, minute, hour when i am with you.. Love you!! <3 


Happy Valentine Day

Happy Valentine day to my Dear! :)
14/2 A big day for all couples.. Is a big day for me and my dearest darling,because this is the first time we celebrate our Valentine Day.. Because of both of us need to study so we only planned to have dinner together..  We had booked a restaurant at Garden,Mid Valley which is - Hokkaido.. Both of us had promised to have different type of cuisine to celebrate our Valentine Day every year,so this year we choose to eat Japanese Cuisine.. It's my all time fav! I bet many girls love it too.. Alright,is time to show some pictures.. 

 Flower from you? No.. 
 Your smiling kinda ... Erm..
 Me & you
 The present from me!!
 The present from you!! Love it!

 This is awesome!! :)
Picture of the day! :) 

Last but not least,i wanted to tell my dear is i love you! 


Last day of 2011

Is time to say goodbye to 2011 and greet the new 2012!! Time passes very fast.. Any plans for the last day of 2011? I guess most of the people will spend their time at club.. This is the first time i celebrate new year's eve with my boy.. We decided to have our dinner and countdown together.. Guess what we choose to eat? Yes,is my fav cuisine,western cuisine!! We went to VICTORIA STATION to had our dinner.. this is the second time i went to this restaurant,this restaurant is a train theme restaurant.. The environment is great,food is delicious,plus my boy with me is awesome!!! Alright,is time to let the pictures talk.. Guess what we had ordered.. ?? Tadaa~~   

 The bread (i love salted butter!)

 My lovely darling.. are you hungry?
solo picture

mushroom soup

both of us love escargot!!

i am sprinkling some pepper =)

I don't really like chicken maryland,but I still gave it a try.. Taste not bad..

this is chicken fillet with salmon fish *picture kinda blur~*

all time fav- carrot milk

*picture of the day*

After we had our dinner,darling decided to go overtime to countdown.. this is my first time go to overtime.. (at first i had dated my sister with her boy,but at last they didnt join us) New year New resolution!! I had made my resolutions,did you? Last but not least,HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!! 


Celebrated Christmas in advance

Yea!! Monday=) Maybe today is nothing special for you guys,but it's a meaningful day to me.. Darling and i had decided to celebrate our Christmas in advance,because he is going to singapore.. I woke up at 8 in the morning,just to prepare myself.. *Kinda crazy*

took some pictures while waiting my beloved darling <3
the first surprise i gave is spaghetti cooked by me.. look at his expression,delicious right? =)
then darling continue eating,but y r u eating on my bed? =.=
and then taada~~  presents.. i was wondering what is it..
woots~ received flower from darling.. thanks alot..=)
and this is the present i received,SUPERMAN T-SHIRT!! i want it for long time ago.. finally i get it!! thanks darling.. i love it much!!
haha,darling get facial cleanser from me.. but u look like not really like it huh.. haha,that was a trick.. surprise still going on.. Be patient ya.. =p
yes,this is another surprise for u darling.. sorry for lying,but i just wanted to gv u a surprise..
this is mine
this is your second present.. *surprise* wondering what is inside the box huh=p
a wallet for u,darling like it? i guess u love it=)
pictures we took at OLD-TOWN
Hazelnut White Coffee & Milk Tea
what kind of face expression is this??
say cheese please
then we went to outdoor to take some pictures
why aren't you with me


after that we had decided to watch movie since there are plenty of time.. We chose to watch New Year's Eve.. Is a good movie,u guys should watch=) 
chipmunks with me
After movie session,we walked around.. and started thinking where should we have our dinner.. I decided to have our dinner at The Ship since i wanted to eat western cuisine.. 

DECIDING what to eat.. darling is craving for food?? haha..
are you sleepy? look at your panda eye =.= seriously you need a eye roll darling..
one of my fav drink,CARROT MILK!! is tasty!! Love it..
mushroom soup

chicken chop

After dinner,we walked around at fahrenheit 

 curry ne??! Haha

 just only me & you <3
on the way going back

 and this is the cake my darling baked for my whole family.. thanks alotss.. the cake is delicious=)

Darling,thanks for everything for that day.. i enjoyed every moment with you.. appreciated it a lot too =)
Saranghae <3 Dont forget as i said,nothing can tear us apart..
I hope you like the present i gave to you.. Merry Christmas!!